
Do Something! Sunday was created to filter through misinformation and disinformation about political candidates that we believe best represent our interests and concerns. The impact of our vote is significant, in local, state, and national races, rather for city council, congressional or presidential races. We are committed to the truth, as we believe that the best vote, is an informed vote.



hbcu funding

The Biden-Harris administration approved more than $16 billion in funding for HBCUs, including over $11.4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 through Federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief for HBCUs; over $4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 for HBCU-enrolled students through federal financial aid and educational benefits for veterans; and, so far in FY 2024, over $900 million has been secured for Department of Education programs strengthening HBCUs as institutions.


expanded the child tax credit

Cut child poverty in half, from 9.7% to 5.2%. The rise in poverty is due almost entirely to the expiration of the CTC enhancements and other measures included in the President’s COVID-19 response package, including stimulus checks and the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.


Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy

american rescue plan

Delivered $450 billion in relief to help 6 million small businesses cover their bills and stay afloat.


extended postpartum medicaid coverage

In increase from 2 to 12 months, providing lifesaving coverage to hundreds of thousands of new moms, and encouraged states to cover doula services. Historically, states have only been required to offer mothers Medicaid coverage for 2 months postpartum.


U.S. Dept. HHS

lowered drug cost

Allowed Medicare to negotiate lower drug costs, expected to save taxpayers $6 billion.


lowered insulin cost

Capped the cost of insulin to $35/month for seniors.


inflation reduction act

Invested $370 billion to combat climate change and expand energy production.


secured $20B homeowner settlement - harris

Won $20 billion settlement for homeowners during the foreclosure crisis.



issued “buy american rule” exec. order

Launched a government-wide initiative to strengthen the use of federal procurement to support American manufacturing.


closed "boyfriend" gun purchase loophole

Stopped nearly 30,000 firearms sales to convicted domestic abusers.


judicial system representation

Voted to confirm 212 qualified women and people of color to make the judiciary look more like America.


facts vs. lies

biden-harris (truth)

hbcu funding

The Biden-Harris administration approved more than $16 billion in funding for HBCUs, including over $11.4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 through Federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief for HBCUs; over $4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 for HBCU-enrolled students through federal financial aid and educational benefits for veterans; and, so far in FY 2024, over $900 million has been secured for Department of Education programs strengthening HBCUs as institutions.


harris (truth)

taxing tips

Former president Donald Trump did propose eliminating federal taxes on tips in a June 9 rally in Nevada. But two months later, at her own Nevada rally on Aug. 10, Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, announced that she, too, would “eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers” as president.

Under current law, employees are required to pay income taxes on their income – including tips – and both employers and workers pay payroll taxes on that total income. Payroll taxes fund Social Security and Medicare.

Harris is reportedly considering eliminating federal income taxes, but not payroll taxes, on tips and limiting the exemption to those earning $75,000 a year or less. In an Aug. 23 rally in Nevada, Trump said, if he wins, “we are going to let you keep 100% of your tip income and not be harassed.” That suggests he would eliminate “all taxes” on tips, as the ad also says.

trump (lie)

Former president, Donald Trump, has claimed that Sen. Kamala Harris will unfairly tax tipped workers



harris (truth)

ending cash bail

Vice President Kamala Harris has supported ending Cash Bail throughout the 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign and her time as a senator. In a bill sponsored by Harris and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) (S. 1593), in 2017, she proposed “replacing money bail systems with individual, preassessments, measuring risk of flight and anticipated criminal conduct. S. 1593 neither granted the immediate release of alleged violent individuals nor eliminated a requirement for cash bail.

In 2020, New York adopted statutory changes establishing when state judges may impose cash bail, with the intent of keeping people accused of certain crimes out of jail while they await trial, regardless of their ability to afford bail. Amendments to the new statute were adopted in April 2020, with the most significant change being more situations where judges can impose cash bail. They will also have more discretion in setting bail and other conditions of pretrial release.

trump (lie)

“Kamala supports ending cash bail nationwide. No bail... Which means releasing violent criminals immediately after arrest.


Brennan Center for Justice
The New York Times
PolitiFact, Poynter Institute

harris (truth)

border wall

As a senator in 2018, Harris called the massive wall proposed by Trump “un-American.” (Trump was inconsistent about how much he proposed to add to the existing 650 miles of barriers he inherited — saying during his campaign that there should be a total of 1,000 miles, but then as president revising that to 900 to 800 to 700 and even less.) In February 2020, Harris posted on social media, “Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won’t make us any safer.”

In a CNN town hall in January 2019, then presidential candidate Harris dismissed Trump’s “medieval vanity project called a wall.”

VP Harris initially called the massive wall proposed by Trump “un-American.” Harris has reconsidered her position, after serving in the Biden administration, and now supports increased border protections, including a border wall.

trump (true)

Former President Donald Trump have claimed that Sen. Kamala Harris has reversed her position on building an enhanced border wall on the southern U.S. border.



harris (truth)

disproportionately "locked up" black men

As District Attorney Harris oversaw about 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for "marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale, however, most of the people convicted during that time did not serve jail time, according to defense attorneys and prosecutors.

Harris later came out in support of the decriminalization — and eventually legalization — of marijuana for recreational use, cosponsoring the Marijuana Justice Act.

Harris has launched criminal justice reform programs, such as her 2005 reentry initiative called "Back on Track," aimed at reducing repeat offenses among low-level drug-trafficking defendants.

trump (lie)

“She was a bad prosecutor. She was a prosecutor of Black people... She put thousands and thousands of Black people in jail over marijuana.”



biden-harris (truth)

hbcu funding

The Biden-Harris administration approved more than $16 billion in funding for HBCUs, including over $11.4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 through Federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief for HBCUs; over $4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 for HBCU-enrolled students through federal financial aid and educational benefits for veterans; and, so far in FY 2024, over $900 million has been secured for Department of Education programs strengthening HBCUs as institutions.

republican (lie)

"Biden just revoked the 250 million United Negro College fund that Trump pledged to give historical black colleges for the next 10 years."




Do Something! Sunday was created to filter through misinformation and disinformation about political candidates that we believe best represent our interests and concerns. The impact of our vote is significant, in local, state, and national races, rather for city council, congressional or presidential races. We are committed to the truth, as we believe that the best vote, is an informed vote.



hbcu funding

The Biden-Harris administration approved more than $16 billion in funding for HBCUs, including over $11.4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 through Federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief for HBCUs; over $4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 for HBCU-enrolled students through federal financial aid and educational benefits for veterans; and, so far in FY 2024, over $900 million has been secured for Department of Education programs strengthening HBCUs as institutions.


expanded the child tax credit

Cut child poverty in half, from 9.7% to 5.2%. The rise in poverty is due almost entirely to the expiration of the CTC enhancements and other measures included in the President’s COVID-19 response package, including stimulus checks and the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.


Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy

extended postpartum medicaid coverage

In increase from 2 to 12 months, providing lifesaving coverage to hundreds of thousands of new moms, and encouraged states to cover doula services. Historically, states have only been required to offer mothers Medicaid coverage for 2 months postpartum.


U.S. Dept. HHS

lowered drug cost

Allowed Medicare to negotiate lower drug costs, expected to save taxpayers $6 billion.


lowered insulin costs

Capped the cost of insulin to $35/month for seniors.


inflation reduction act

Invested $370 billion to combat climate change and expand energy production.


american rescue plan

Delivered $450 billion in relief to help 6 million small businesses cover their bills and stay afloat.


secured $20B homeowner settlement

Won $20 billion settlement for homeowners during the foreclosure crisis.



issued “buy american rule” exec. order

Launched a government-wide initiative to strengthen the use of federal procurement to support American manufacturing.


closed "boyfriend" gun purchase loophole

Stopped nearly 30,000 firearms sales to convicted domestic abusers.


judicial system representation

Voted to confirm 212 qualified women and people of color to make the judiciary look more like America.


facts vs. lies

HARRIS (truth)

taxing tips

VP Harris has proposed eliminating federal income taxes, but not payroll taxes, on tips, for those earning $75,000 a year or less. Former president Donald Trump did propose eliminating federal taxes on tips in a June 9 rally in Nevada. But two months later, at her own Nevada rally on Aug. 10, Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, announced that she, too, would “eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers” as president.

Under current law, employees are required to pay income taxes on their income – including tips – and both employers and workers pay payroll taxes on that total income. Payroll taxes fund Social Security and Medicare.

Harris is reportedly considering eliminating federal income taxes, but not payroll taxes, on tips and limiting the exemption to those earning $75,000 a year or less. In an Aug. 23 rally in Nevada, Trump said, if he wins, “we are going to let you keep 100% of your tip income and not be harassed.” That suggests he would eliminate “all taxes” on tips, as the ad also says.

TRUMP (lie)

Former president, Donald Trump, has claimed that VP Kamala Harris will unfairly tax tipped workers.




HARRIS (truth)

ending cash bail

Vice President Kamala Harris has supported ending Cash Bail throughout the 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign and her time as a senator. In a bill sponsored by Harris and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) (S. 1593), in 2017, she proposed “replacing money bail systems with individual, preassessments, measuring risk of flight and anticipated criminal conduct. S. 1593 neither granted the immediate release of alleged violent individuals nor eliminated a requirement for cash bail.

In 2020, New York adopted statutory changes establishing when state judges may impose cash bail, with the intent of keeping people accused of certain crimes out of jail while they await trial, regardless of their ability to afford bail. Amendments to the new statute were adopted in April 2020, with the most significant change being more situations where judges can impose cash bail. They will also have more discretion in setting bail and other conditions of pretrial release.

TRUMP (lie)

“She was a bad prosecutor. She was a prosecutor of Black people... She put thousands and thousands of Black people in jail over marijuana.”


The New York Times
PolitiFact, Poynter Institute


HARRIS (truth)

border wall

As a senator in 2018, Harris called the massive wall proposed by Trump “un-American.” (Trump was inconsistent about how much he proposed to add to the existing 650 miles of barriers he inherited — saying during his campaign that there should be a total of 1,000 miles, but then as president revising that to 900 to 800 to 700 and even less.) In February 2020, Harris posted on social media, “Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won’t make us any safer.”

In a CNN town hall in January 2019, then presidential candidate Harris dismissed Trump’s “medieval vanity project called a wall.”

VP Harris initially called the massive wall proposed by Trump “un-American.” Harris has reconsidered her position, after serving in the Biden administration, and now supports increased border protections, including a border wall.

TRUMP (true)

Former President Donald Trump and Republicans have claimed that Sen. Kamala Harris has reversed her position on building an enhanced border wall on the southern U.S. border.




HARRIS (truth)

disproportionately "locked up" black men

As District Attorney Harris oversaw about 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for "marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale, however, most of the people convicted during that time did not serve jail time, according to defense attorneys and prosecutors.

Harris later came out in support of the decriminalization — and eventually legalization — of marijuana for recreational use, cosponsoring the Marijuana Justice Act.

Harris has launched criminal justice reform programs, such as her 2005 reentry initiative called "Back on Track," aimed at reducing repeat offenses among low-level drug-trafficking defendants.

TRUMP (lie)

“She was a bad prosecutor. She was a prosecutor of Black people... She put thousands and thousands of Black people in jail over marijuana.”





hbcu funding

The Biden-Harris administration approved more than $16 billion in funding for HBCUs, including over $11.4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 through Federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief for HBCUs; over $4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 for HBCU-enrolled students through federal financial aid and educational benefits for veterans; and, so far in FY 2024, over $900 million has been secured for Department of Education programs strengthening HBCUs as institutions.


“Biden just revoked the 250 million United Negro College fund that Trump pledged to give historical black colleges for the next 10 years."

